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Studies Show Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Provides Relief Quickly

Written By Community Chiropractic Center on May 26, 2021

Spinal discs heal slowly because they don’t get a lot of blood flow in the first place, so when they get injured, it’s often tough for them to heal. Injuries to discs can occur from trauma, aging, poor nutrition and just plain genetics.

Think of a disc like the shock absorbers in your car. When they stop functioning like they were designed to do, you have problems. When it’s your discs, you can get pinched nerves, joint inflammation and pain.

At Community Health and Wellness Center in Plantation, we utilize the Cox® Spinal Decompression protocol to treat disc conditions and restore their health. The efficacy of this protocol has been proven in the lab with Federal grant funding.  We encourage you to consult the Cox website.

How Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Works

Non Surgical Spinale Decompression

Non-surgical spinal decompression helps damaged discs rehydrate, thereby forcing them to inflate. The extra space and hydration boosts the healing process, realigns your spine, and can take pressure off of pinched nerves. And healing improves because your discs get a boosted blood supply.

Our spinal decompression therapy sessions run approximately 20-30 minutes long. If you feel any discomfort, we can immediately address it by adjusting pressure, position, or even duration of treatment. Other than that, it’s a gentle, painless therapy that is often the answer to eliminating many patients’ back pain.

Get Back Pain and Headache Relief in Plantation

At Community Health and Wellness Center, our services include chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, cold laser therapy and injury rehabilitation procedures. 

Dr. Dinner has been extensively trained by the founder and developer of the technique, James Cox, DC. He has also been certified in the procedure by examination and has attended multiple post-graduate training sessions in the Cox® Spinal Disc Decompression procedures.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Call us at (954) 370-7246 or go online and fill out a contact form.

Posted In: Chiropractic Low Back Pain Spinal Decompression Cox Spinal Decompression Therapy