Can Acupuncture Help With Headaches?
Recurring headaches can significantly disrupt your daily routine and affect your quality of life. If traditional medical treatments are not offering headache relief or if you want to explore alternative, drug-free headache therapies, our team at Community Chiropractic Center can help. Led by Dr. Howard Dinner, our chiropractors have extensive experience diagnosing the underlying cause of chronic and acute headaches. We can design a highly individualized headache treatment plan that includes chiropractic therapies and acupuncture in Plantation, FL.
What Types of Headaches Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is incredibly effective at treating tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and recurring headaches and migraines. Acupuncture can relieve underlying causes of headaches, including tension, pressure, and stress, and can also stimulate the release of natural pain-killing chemicals.
Can Acupuncture Be Combined With Other Chiropractic Therapies?
Yes, we recommend combining acupuncture with other chiropractic therapies to enhance your results and give you the best chance of headache relief. When we combine acupuncture with physical therapy and chiropractic care, we can address the underlying stress and tension in your body that is contributing to your headaches and other symptoms. A multi-pronged treatment plan will offer faster results that last.
How Quickly Does Acupuncture Relieve Headaches?
Some people notice immediate results after their first acupuncture session. In general, it can take up to three months of regular acupuncture treatment sessions to notice the full effect of the treatment. You should find some relief a few days after your initial treatment, and as your treatment progresses you will find that you are getting headaches less and less frequently, and that you feel less tension, stress, anxiety, and inflammation. We will continue to check in throughout your treatment plan to see if it needs to be modified or adjusted.
Find Headache Relief Through Acupuncture in Plantation, FL
At Community Chiropractic Center, we can determine if you are a good candidate for acupuncture for headache relief in Plantation, FL. Visit us today and we will diagnose the root cause of your headaches and design a personalized treatment plan that combines acupuncture, physical therapy, lifestyle and workplace modification, diet and nutrition changes, and chiropractic therapies. Call us today to schedule an appointment.
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